Seven Last Words: The Journey of Overcoming Daily


The seven last sayings (words) are more than just things to preach on Good Friday. They are words to live by and overcome daily. What if I told you we encounter these sayings everyday of our lives?

1. Father forgive them, for they know not what they do: is about Forgiveness. Everyday we are presented with an opportunity to forgive. Yet we ignore, because we choose to focus more on our pain than our purpose.

 2. Today thou shall be with me in paradise: this deals with Salvation. Salvation is both invitational and a revelation. Jesus extends His love and desire to save us from ourselves and our choices daily, but the power in His ability has to be revealed to us in order for us to let go of our thinking, our way, our plan to trust, and rely solely on His. 

3. Mother behold thy Son. Son behold thy mother: this is Relationship, and also the first adoption through Jesus Christ in the Bible. Jesus cares so much for us that He does not leave us comfortless. He knows we have and will feel emotionally detached at times, but He supplies our need before what we have leaves us. We just have to receive what He's offering when He sends the right relationship.

4. My God, My God, why has thou forsaken me:  Pain is real as I said before. Detachment can hurt. It was so potent what Jesus was experiencing that He said it twice! When God speaks twice (ten instances in the Bible) a momentous transition is about to take place. His transition was The feeling of Abandonment, for the first time. Jesus felt not just separated but abandoned even though He knew the task. He also knew that abandonment was necessary for transition. Be okay with being left alone, and trust something momentous is about to happen in your life!  

5. I thirst: After Jesus was abandoned He knew what it was like to be in need. Sure He had fasted for forty days, so why couldn't He endure a few hours? Because this thirst was not quenchable by what is attainable in the flesh. This thirst was more spiritual than He'd ever experienced and it caused Him to be Distressed. Living water is thirsty? The one who promised to give the woman a well of water that will never run dry? How is He now thirsty, empty, in need? He was torn between His Deity because He was stuck in His humanity, and He was able to experience what we experience when we are separated from the Father. That is why He made sure that we have access to Him whenever we need it so we will never HAVE to experience that type of distress, detachment, longing or thirst again.  

6. It is finished: To some this may sound like defeat, but to someone with purpose this is a  Triumph! To finish what He was purposed to do was THEE accomplishment. Some are so focused on Christ living that they forget that He came to die. Living was not His purpose that's what the disciples wanted but His purpose was to die blameless. Can you be okay knowing that although it may disappoint some, fulfilling your purpose is what brings triumph and true reward! 

7. Father into thine hands I commend My Spirit: The ultimate goal is reuniting. Jesus did not come to stay. He came to fulfill His purpose, leave and be reunited with the Father. The goal was never for God to stay from the Son long. Just as the goal of Christ is not to to cause us pain through separation. His goal is to reunite us with His plans, that He has for us. Reunite us to our purpose. Reunite us with love, peace, joy...The Reunion should take place daily. What is it that you need to commend...entrust... commit yourself to? Why delay? Is it not time for you to lay yourself down and allow yourself to be Resurrected!?