acting or done in the same way over time, especially so as to be fair or accurate.

unchanging in nature, standard, or effect over time.


continuing firmly or obstinately in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition.

continuing to exist or endure over a prolonged period.


When I began this thought I was all prepared to talk about the importance of being consistent.  And I am “consistent” in researching definitions before I explore a topic. Which brought me to this “AHAA moment”


Maybe the problem lies in our consistent behavior. When we think of this word it has such a positive connotation. We usually mention this when we think about good qualities in a person, a service station, a restaurant etc…But what we fail to realize is being consistent does not always propel you. Consistent behavior lacks change and advancement. Consistent behavior is SAFE! I had to halt a moment and consider how people have referred to me as consistent. Many times, even at work and it has been something that I cherish as a great quality that I must continue…But there is a flaw here!  The unwillingness to CHANGE!! You can NOT do something the same way over time just to play it safe and expect a greater outcome. If your goal is EXCELLENCE…Being Consistent is NOT the answer! Whoa!!! That took me down 5 steps! 

You can’t be unwilling to change and expect to EXCEL, to be EXTRAORDINARY you have to do things that are not ordinarily done...that’s too common. The usual...the status quo. Preserving the usual manual when life requires updates. When life requires resets. When life requires new ideas. Wait…God requires it! The Bible requires it! The Bible cancels out conformity and calls for renewal! ROMANS 12:2! My favorite scripture! How could this be my go to and I have been missing it the whole time!!?? God forgive me! I HAVE BEEN TOO CONSISTENT AND I AM MISSING THE MARK!!! 

The word urges me to be PERSISTENT! Wait!!! What have I been doing! Going to God with the same prayer request! And His Word says “Be persistent in prayer…NOT consistent!” Colossians 4:2. What does it mean to be persistent being firm and refusing to take your eyes off of your course or goal despite difficulty or opposition.  I can have a goal but can’t get to it because I keep trying to use the road that has been closed. But if it’s the only way I know or want to go I will never arrive at my destination. However, if I am persistent I can have a goal and see a road closed but be determined to get to where I got to go so I will use another route! Because I gotta get there by any means necessary!! PERSISTENCE!!


Maybe it’s not the enemy holding you back from your goal.  Maybe it’s YOU! Maybe it’s because you keep being your own stumbling block by refusing to change, expecting for the dead end road to finally open up. The enemy don’t have to taunt you when you are defeating YOU!  Maybe just maybe it’s time to reroute!  Maybe just maybe it’s time to change because the destination is worth the endurance!