One of the quotes that I can recall seeing all over the world regarding Fear is “There is nothing to fear but fear itself.”-FDR  

The question is what does that mean? Why would I fear the very thing that I shouldn’t fear? In essence he was saying that fear causes things to appear worse than what they actually are. But does that take away the reality of the experience? No…but what it can do is introduce the possibility of power over it. (Selah)

Truth is fear can be conquered! But how do you conquer what you do not fully understand? You first have to evaluate its origin to deem it powerless. The interesting thing is everyone has their own perception of fear. So fear to some is an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat. To another fear is learned because of evolution (the gradual development of something during the history of the earth). My discredit to that is fear is not tangible in its natural state. Fear like faith is unseen evidence that provokes an action. Can I then surmise that fear is the opposite of faith? Absolutely. This is how: Faith is the substance of things hoped for. Fear is not desired, not hoped for, not wanted, it is unpleasant. But they are both caused by belief! What you believe is key. Faith or Fear.  Faith or Fear! Fear causes insecurity, it causes doubt, and it causes anxiety. Faith is security, Faith is certainty, and Faith is assurance. Fear opposes faith every chance it gets. But we must rest assure in what the Bible tells us: “God has not given us the Spirit of fear” Fear is not an attribute of God! That’s how you know it is a false reality. A deception. A counterfeit of true faith. God is so mindful of the works of fear that “Fear Not” is mentioned 365 times in the Bible. That is intentional! God has already provided a way of escape daily! Each day we choose to “fear not” we are rendering fear powerless. But we have to choose! We have to choose faith over fear!. Fear says “don’t do it” Faith says walk into it! “Though I walk through the valley and the shadow of death I will fear no evil.” Fear says you can’t do will never. Faith says “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.” Fear attempts to enter in everyday but Faith says “you don’t belong here!”  We all have to make the decision to Fear Not! Because fear does not belong to us!

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Seven Last Words: The Journey of Overcoming Daily


The seven last sayings (words) are more than just things to preach on Good Friday. They are words to live by and overcome daily. What if I told you we encounter these sayings everyday of our lives?

1. Father forgive them, for they know not what they do: is about Forgiveness. Everyday we are presented with an opportunity to forgive. Yet we ignore, because we choose to focus more on our pain than our purpose.

 2. Today thou shall be with me in paradise: this deals with Salvation. Salvation is both invitational and a revelation. Jesus extends His love and desire to save us from ourselves and our choices daily, but the power in His ability has to be revealed to us in order for us to let go of our thinking, our way, our plan to trust, and rely solely on His. 

3. Mother behold thy Son. Son behold thy mother: this is Relationship, and also the first adoption through Jesus Christ in the Bible. Jesus cares so much for us that He does not leave us comfortless. He knows we have and will feel emotionally detached at times, but He supplies our need before what we have leaves us. We just have to receive what He's offering when He sends the right relationship.

4. My God, My God, why has thou forsaken me:  Pain is real as I said before. Detachment can hurt. It was so potent what Jesus was experiencing that He said it twice! When God speaks twice (ten instances in the Bible) a momentous transition is about to take place. His transition was The feeling of Abandonment, for the first time. Jesus felt not just separated but abandoned even though He knew the task. He also knew that abandonment was necessary for transition. Be okay with being left alone, and trust something momentous is about to happen in your life!  

5. I thirst: After Jesus was abandoned He knew what it was like to be in need. Sure He had fasted for forty days, so why couldn't He endure a few hours? Because this thirst was not quenchable by what is attainable in the flesh. This thirst was more spiritual than He'd ever experienced and it caused Him to be Distressed. Living water is thirsty? The one who promised to give the woman a well of water that will never run dry? How is He now thirsty, empty, in need? He was torn between His Deity because He was stuck in His humanity, and He was able to experience what we experience when we are separated from the Father. That is why He made sure that we have access to Him whenever we need it so we will never HAVE to experience that type of distress, detachment, longing or thirst again.  

6. It is finished: To some this may sound like defeat, but to someone with purpose this is a  Triumph! To finish what He was purposed to do was THEE accomplishment. Some are so focused on Christ living that they forget that He came to die. Living was not His purpose that's what the disciples wanted but His purpose was to die blameless. Can you be okay knowing that although it may disappoint some, fulfilling your purpose is what brings triumph and true reward! 

7. Father into thine hands I commend My Spirit: The ultimate goal is reuniting. Jesus did not come to stay. He came to fulfill His purpose, leave and be reunited with the Father. The goal was never for God to stay from the Son long. Just as the goal of Christ is not to to cause us pain through separation. His goal is to reunite us with His plans, that He has for us. Reunite us to our purpose. Reunite us with love, peace, joy...The Reunion should take place daily. What is it that you need to commend...entrust... commit yourself to? Why delay? Is it not time for you to lay yourself down and allow yourself to be Resurrected!?

Love thy Neighbor

When you take prayer out of schools and testimony service out of church you stand the risk of silencing the voice of truth. Prayer is our request to God to cover and protect and meet our needs. Prayer also allows God access to intervene in an issue that we cannot resolve with and in ourselves. Testimonies are an acknowledgement of what was, and an announcement of what is.  Perhaps when you silence the two, you prohibit your neighbor from knowing that they may have someone they can talk to right in their presence. 

Get ya life is my prayer and my testimony! Truth is, God gave me the trilogy before I completed the first book. These are the issues that He placed His fingers on as it relates to my life and to the life of those who are struggling in their past and present pain. If I told you at least 5 people in a church of 30 have been molested, physically/mentally, sexually abused, and as a result at least 1 of the 5 have inflicted the same trauma on someone else would you believe me? Of course you would. Why? Because you have or you know someone who has experienced this very thing.  Question, how much do we really love our neighbor? To know something and not say something?  To be privy to information about someone struggling internally but judge them for their behaviors externally? We want to pray the devil out of the homosexual but not pray for and counsel the soul of the abused! I got news for you: It’s the same person! You cannot heal a portion of a person without acknowledging that you are awakening the other side. When God reveals a truth about someone’s past to you-----and you expose it, you don’t just expose the spirit you expose the wound! And too often we have tongue talking, holy ghost filled, “cancer patients” in our midst.   It’s not enough for a doctor to tell a patient that they have stage 2 cancer…It’s a start. But the doctor needs to prepare for treatment! We are not treating the ill, we are only exposing them and putting them at risk for being identified by other wounded and ill people who have also been diagnosed but not properly treated. Is that love? Is that really the love of Christ?

When Jesus encountered the woman at the well, He did expose her (to herself not the world) But what He also did was offer her an alternative to her lifestyle. You don’t need that temporary fix for your situation you need an eternal answer! And she was curious enough and no doubt exhausted from trying to ease the pain she felt every single day. "Sir give me this water so that I won’t keep getting thirsty." She was able to admit in that moment that all she was doing was temporarily managing her issue AND that she was tired of doing it! “I don’t want to keep coming to this same place to draw water!” When the Savior was done dealing with her issue, the woman was able to leave HER water jar and began to evangelize. She did not need to come to temporarily fix her issue or numb her own pain she needed someone to help her see herself for who she was and offer her a better way. But it took love. It took doing the uncomfortable thing. It was not customary for Jesus to be talking to this woman but he had to put himself in an uncomfortable situation to heal her and she in turn had to accept it.

We say we love. But do we truly love? How uncomfortable are you really willing to be to show love to your neighbor? How patient? How kind? How long suffering? How hopeful? How enduring? 

We may never get prayer back into schools. We may never have testimony service again. But are you willing to pray and be a living testimony so that your neighbor can live and never thirst for love again?

Welcome Everybody!

Welcome to Overcomer’s Ministry Group Blog! I am so excited to present this ministry to you. If you’ve had the opportunity to read “Get Ya Life” my first published book—which is the first of a Trilogy, you will come to understand why I thought this ministry is needed in the church, kingdom and in our communities.  We have all heard the expressions : “Me Too” and “Don’t Tell” and other numerous slogans regarding “snitching”. These ideas that people have about telling someone about what you have experienced have been a taboo for way too long. Even more disturbing is the fact that people in the faith have carried these issues that have become burdens and caused many to self-destruct and/or inflict the same trauma on others.  Because an unresolved issue is like a disease, sickness, infection that may spread and worsen if not treated and cause harm to those who it encounters. All too often we are serving and doing ministry with issues!   And the question is, how can you effectively help others when you have not attempted to get help for yourself? We have to deal with the issues! And the focus of O.M.G. is to go there and deal with some of these issues because we are an unhealthy people doing business as usual. Where is truth in that? The goal of Jesus Christ is wholeness and it starts with Truth. Well, what is truth?  Truth is the reality and the facts of what happened.  What happened to some of us that caused our disposition our countenance our guarded hearts, our mean spiritedness, and our temper? How can we behave this way even in the house of God, where the joy of the Lord is our strength?  Where the Spirit of the Lord dwells and liberty resides. Where they that worship come to worship in spirit and in truth?  Most of us are guilty of hiding because we are ashamed, afraid and or in denial about our past. That my dear friends is a form of bondage. Because God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of love and of power and a sound mind. We must deal with the whys in order to resolve pastors, ministry leaders, bishops etc. committing suicide all over the world. We must resolve the issues of young girls and boys leaving their homes at 12 and 15 years old to sell their bodies and getting high to the point of incoherence in various states and parents not understanding why they “chose” to do this. We must resolve pastors being married with children and presented as the ideal marriage but getting busted in motels with transsexuals and paraphernalia found in the rooms. We must resolve this in order to heal this! And we are in need of healing! But someone has to be willing to do the work and tell their truth so that others can say “Yes. O.M.G!, Me too! I must Tell Somebody!” Some wounds are severe, deadly and contagious but it takes courage to push pass the embarrassment of what was to get treated. O.M.G. is here to help you to get help and to Get Ya Life!